Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pirate Treasure - Arrrr!

Here is the follow up on the pirate treasure chests I made my grandsons for Christmas. They turned out really well, and the boys loved them.

Kids this age love locks and keys, so I put three different kinds of padlock on each chest. I also bought some plastic gold coins and gems, so they would have some treasure.
The boxes are made of pine shelving, knots and all. I made the finger joints on a tablesaw with a special fixture. The tops are made of 6 pieces of wood with 15 degree angles cut on each side, then sanded to round them off. The decorations are thin brass strips - glued on, and some fancy upholstry tacks.
I do all my woodworking at The Sawdust Shop in Santa Clara, CA.

It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot in the process!

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